Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Top Tens - Athletics

Continuing our Top Ten series for the November testing, we have the athletics portion.  This includes vertical jump, 40 yard dash, and pro agility.  Remember, the theme of Workday Wednesday is based around competition.  We want to compete in everything we do, including out of season workouts.  Look for your name on these lists.  If you don't see it, you've got a goal.

Vertical Jump Height
  1. Kory Kostecka - 28.3
  2. Stephen Curry - 27.9
  3. Nick Henderson - 27.7
  4. Adam Horkay - 27.5
  5. Bryce Gibson - 27.4
  6. Trey Stewart - 27.3
  7. Austin Murrell - 26.2
  8. T8- Nicholas Woerner - 26.1
  9. T8- Normando Gonzalez - 26.1
  10. T10- Emmanual Calhoun - 25.8
  11. T10- Mitch Turley - 25.8
40 Time
  1. Trey Stewart - 4.79
  2. Frank Grimes - 4.81
  3. Adam Horkay - 4.82
  4. Garrett Raleigh - 4.83
  5. T5- Emmanual Calhoun - 4.88
  6. T5- Bryce Gibson - 4.88
  7. Kory Kostecka - 4.91
  8. Blake Waters - 4.95
  9. Jackson Clifford - 4.98
  10. Stephen Curry - 5.01
Pro Agility Time
  1. Kory Kostecka - 4.21
  2. Adam Horkay - 4.22
  3. Emmanual Calhoun - 4.28
  4. Stephen Curry - 4.32
  5. Blake Waters - 4.33
  6. Eric Miner - 4.35
  7. Normando Gonzalez - 4.39
  8. Jacob Tebbe - 4.40
  9. T9- Nicholas Woerner - 4.44
  10. T9- Johnny Crawford - 4.44
Go Rocks!

1 comment:

  1. way to work lets keep it up and lets make the list the top 20.
