Sunday, February 24, 2019

Ben Davis Lifting Contest

You may have already seen this shared on our other social media outlets, but I wanted to make a note of it here. Rocks work hard in the off-season, and one of the barometers for how we stack up against area competition is taking part in the local lifting contests. For several years now, we've taken part in the Ben Davis lifting contest that pits us against some of the best and strongest teams in the area. It's a great way to add a little competition into our workout routines.

This years Rocks traveled down to Ben Davis and produced an excellent showing, winning to the Tug of War competition and earning second overall as a team. Perhaps more important than the accolades were the many compliments about how positive and respectful our players were. "Victory with Honor" is one of our core values, and it's great to see this iteration of Rocks buying in and representing Westfield well.

Go Rocks!